API Constants & Schemas


Here are the constants referenced in the API documentation and their information.



The format of debate to use.

  1. PF (Public Forum)

  2. LD (Lincoln Douglas)

  3. CX (Policy)


The circuit of tournaments to use.

Circuits for PF:

  1. National


The school year (SY) to use. Formatted as SY_SS_EE where SS is the last 2 digits of the starting year and EE is the last 2 digits of the ending year. EE must equal SS + 1 (1 school year at a time).

Public Forum:

National Circuit:

  1. SY_20_21

  2. SY_21_22



    "id": <(String) team id>,
    "codes": [<(String team code>...],
    "otrScore": <(Float) team OTR Score>,
    "goldBids": <(Int) number of gold bids>,
    "silverBids": <(Int) number of silver bids>,
    "prelimRecord": [
        <(Int) overall number of prelim wins>,
        <(Int) overall number of prelim losses>
    "breakRecord": [
        <(Int) overall number of elim wins>,
        <(Int) overall number of elim losses>
    "breakPCT": <(Float) decimal percent of tournaments with elim runs>,
    "tournaments": [<(Tournament)>...]


    "tournamentComp": <(Float) OTR tournament comp>,
    "fullNames": <(String) full names as on Tabroom entry>,
    "lastNames": [
        <(String) one of two last names as on Tabroom entry>,
        <(String) one of two last names as on Tabroom entry>
    "prelimRecord": [
        <(Int) number of prelim wins at this tournament>,
        <(Int) number of prelim losses at this tournament>
    "breakRecord": [
        <(Int) number of elim wins at this tournament>,
        <(Int) number of elim losses at this tournament>
    "eliminated": [
        <(Int) number of ballots won in final round>,
        <(Int) number of ballots lost in final round>,
        <(String) final round name as on Tabroom>,
        <(String) final round name standardized>
    "speaks": [
            "name": <(String) speaker name>,
            "rawAVG": <(String) raw speaker point mean as on Tabroom>,
            "adjAVG": <(String) adjusted [IQR = 2] speaker point mean>,
            "name": <(String) speaker name>,
            "rawAVG": <(String) raw speaker point mean as on Tabroom>,
            "adjAVG": <(String) adjusted [IQR = 2] speaker point mean>,
    "goldBid": <(Boolean) whether or not a gold bid was earned>,
    "silverBid": <(Boolean) whether or not a silver bid was earned>,
    "breakBoost": <(Int) number of break rounds won + 1>,
    "breakBoost": <(Int) tournament difficulty booost factor>,
    "OPwpm": <(Float) mean opponent number of rounds won>,
    "name": <(String) the name of the tournament as on Tabroom>

Last updated