Here are the constants referenced in the API documentation and their information.
{"id": <(String) team id>,"codes": [<(String team code>...],"otrScore": <(Float) team OTR Score>,"goldBids": <(Int) number of gold bids>,"silverBids": <(Int) number of silver bids>,"prelimRecord": [ <(Int) overall number of prelim wins>, <(Int) overall number of prelim losses> ],"breakRecord": [ <(Int) overall number of elim wins>, <(Int) overall number of elim losses> ],"breakPCT": <(Float) decimal percent of tournaments with elim runs>,"tournaments": [<(Tournament)>...]}
{"tournamentComp": <(Float) OTR tournament comp>,"fullNames": <(String) full names as on Tabroom entry>,"lastNames": [ <(String) one of two last names as on Tabroom entry>, <(String) one of two last names as on Tabroom entry> ],"prelimRecord": [ <(Int) number of prelim wins at this tournament>, <(Int) number of prelim losses at this tournament> ],"breakRecord": [ <(Int) number of elim wins at this tournament>, <(Int) number of elim losses at this tournament> ],"eliminated": [ <(Int) number of ballots won in final round>, <(Int) number of ballots lost in final round>, <(String) final round name as on Tabroom>, <(String) final round name standardized> ],"speaks": [ {"name": <(String) speaker name>,"rawAVG": <(String) raw speaker point mean as on Tabroom>,"adjAVG": <(String) adjusted [IQR = 2] speaker point mean>, }, {"name": <(String) speaker name>,"rawAVG": <(String) raw speaker point mean as on Tabroom>,"adjAVG": <(String) adjusted [IQR = 2] speaker point mean>, }, ],"goldBid": <(Boolean) whether or not a gold bid was earned>,"silverBid": <(Boolean) whether or not a silver bid was earned>,"breakBoost": <(Int) number of break rounds won + 1>,"breakBoost": <(Int) tournament difficulty booost factor>,"OPwpm": <(Float) mean opponent number of rounds won>,"name": <(String) the name of the tournament as on Tabroom>}
The format of debate to use.
PF (Public Forum)
LD (Lincoln Douglas)
CX (Policy)
The circuit of tournaments to use.
Circuits for PF:
The school year (SY) to use. Formatted as SY_SS_EE where SS is the last 2 digits of the starting year and EE is the last 2 digits of the ending year. EE must equal SS + 1 (1 school year at a time).